
美國舊金山超受歡迎華語音樂廣播:張學友 – 每天愛你多一些 | 德音週末音樂調頻 – 10月4日

加入 2013-10-04 22:46:20 | 長度: 49分39秒 | 類別: 歌曲
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德音週末音乐调频 – 10月4日 –谁是您身边像阳光一样的人?| 张学友 – 每天爱你多一些







  1. All 4 ONE – I can love you like that

  2. 张学友 – 每天爱你多一些

  3. Foreigner – Waiting for a Girl like You (听众点播)

  4. Modern Talking – Brother Louie (听众点播)

  5. 陈东 – 踏实(听众点播)

  6. 神韵交响乐 – 云锣仙韵;雪山欢歌

  7. 梁咏琪 – 新鲜


节目时间 (太平洋时间)

晨间音乐会(双语版): 週一,早9点半到10点(黄金时段); 週三,早9点半到10点(黄金时段);

德音週末音乐调频(中文版): 週五晚7点到8点(黄金时段)



短信息:408 686 9923


点歌Email:[email protected]



与覆盖60万华人的广播信号中分享您的音乐、故事、產品和服务,请联繫[email protected]

晨间音乐会/德音综艺FACEBOOK PAGE脸书: http://www.facebook.com/bayvoice.musictime

EMAIL:[email protected]




Show Time

All Prime Time:

Morning Mini Concert (Bilingual: Chinese & English): Monday, 9.30am – 10am; Wednesday, 9.30am – 10am

SOH Weekend Music FM: Friday, 7 – 8pm (Pacific Time)

Song Request Hotline: 1-888-275-1628

Text Message: 408 686 9923

Wechat ID: cdmusic923

Song Request Email: [email protected]


Ads/Sponsor/Interview Opportunity

Sharing your music, story, products, service with nearly a half million affluent Chinese audiences on our music radio show.

Please write email to [email protected]

Music Show FACEBOOK PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/bayvoice.musictime

EMAIL:[email protected]


Producer Tony Chen’s Website:http://www.tonychenmusic.com

Tony’s FACEBOOK Page:http://www.facebook.com/tonychenmusicsite
Sound of Hope Radio FM92.3 – the no1 Chinese radio program on Universal FM92.3 KSJO covering the entire San Francisco Bay Area on its powerful FM signal, which is 8 time stronger than any other Chinese radio stations here!

We broadcast at the two golden traffic hours which are 8 – 10am, 5 – 8 pm, Monday through Friday covering all the Chinese professionals commuting to and from work.

If you want to share your service, product, stories and music with a half million affluent Chinese in bay area, this is the best platform for you! Please give us a call 408 320 5888! Or email us: [email protected]

Let us connect YOU with the Chinese community!

關鍵字:  All   4   One   Brother   Louie   FM92.3   Foreigner   I   can   love   you   like   that   Modern   Talking   Sound   of   Hope   Tony   Chen   Waiting   for   a   Girl   like   You   雲鑼仙韻   週末,   音樂,   調頻   希望之聲   張學友   德音綜藝   新鮮   梁詠琪   每天愛你多一些   神韻交響樂   踏實   陳東   陳東   雪山歡歌
